In contrast to the earlier fare of a few small check-in counters at the corner of the wide concourse, here there are only counters, each row with at least 10, and there are rows after rows. Following my international experience, I looked for the name of the Airlines at the top of the counters.
My heart jumped with pride...that means I can check-in at any counter irrespective of which airline I am flying! Also, there were none of those monstrous baggage screening machines around, a la Indian Airlines. That again means my bags don’t need to be firmly tied around with plastic cords to withstand the game of discus throwing by the baggage-handlers.
I got to the nearest counter that had the smallest queue, towing my suitcases and accompanying my wife. As I approached the counter, I offered my ticket printout and the press card.
“Oh, you’re booked in Indigo. This is Jet Airways.”
“But where is it written?” I looked around.
“Here,” the young lady pointed to her ample bosom. Perplexed, I looked at it (or them), and found the small Jet Airways nametag pinned on top.
She informed me that the Indigo counter would be at the backside of the second row from there. Chastised, I started looking for Indigo signs... I mean at the middle part of the ladies womanning the counters for Indigo signs.
Soon, my wife shouted, “This is indigo.”
I jumped the queue, looked at the breast of the lady at the counter quiet critically, and said, “Yes, Indigo.”
The lady at the counter, may be quiet used to it, smiled and said, “Come in the queue please.”